• Óleo Para Manômetro – Red Gage Oil


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    Caracteristicas Técnicas

    Gage fluids in the 3/4 ounce size are furnished in unbreakable plastic dispenser type bottles. Larger sizes are supplied in plastic bottles with screw caps. Mercury is supplied only in the single size plastic container. CAUTION: Use only Dwyer fluids in Dwyer gages.

    Note: Also available is Yellow Gage Oil, .826 Sp. Gr. This is normally used on special 422 style manometers. Order by description and size of bottle. Don’t use part no’s above. Prices same as Red Gage Oil.

    Blue Gage Oil, 1.910 sp. gr. For special instruments and Mark II Models 26 and 28.

    Fluorescein Green Color Concentrate, water coloring agent. Not to be used full strength. Add 3/4 oz to a quart of distilled water. Contains a wetting agent to improve the meniscus characteristics. Use in vertical manometers only.

    Mercury, triple distilled, 13.6 sp. gr.

    Óleo Para Manômetro – Red Gage Oil